Introduction to Quantum Information Processing
QIC 710, CS 768, CO 681, PHYS 767, AMATH 871, PMATH 871 (Fall 2023)

Instructor: Richard Cleve (
Note to
students: please include QIC-710 in email subject, regardless of the version you’re in

Vahid R. Asadi ( office hour*: TBA
Eric Culf ( office hour*: TBA
Yuming Zhao ( office hour*: TBA
* if there are any changes, they will be noted here

Course web site:

Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-9:50am in HH 1102 (first class is on September 7)

General course information [here]

Lecture videos [here]

Lecture notes [here]


(60% of grade)

Projects (40% of grade)
Each project is an oral presentation to the class. It should explain and analyze some topic in quantum information processing, selected with the approval of the instructor. Your presentation should be about 25 minutes in length. You should explain the topic in your own words, at a level accessible to your classmates. More information about the project component is [here]