Grading policies
- It it happens that you don't know how to solve a particular question (or part of a question) then, rather than writing down a few relevant points in order to obtain some partial credit, you have the option of clearly writing “I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION” and nothing else. Your grade for that part will be 25% (rounded up to the nearest integer). Writing gibberish instead may result in zero credit.
- The above policy does not apply to any optional bonus questions -- you should only answer those questions if you think you have a solution, and anything not close to a correct solution for a bonus question will receive zero credit.
- You are allowed to submit your assignment by email before the deadline. But please use PDF format and email it to me and all three TAs.
- You may work with other people, but should specify the names of your collaborators in your submission, and your write-up should be yours alone.