Introduction to Quantum Information Processing
QIC 710, CS 768, CO 681, PHYS 767, AMATH 871, PMATH 871 (Fall 2020)

Instructor: Richard Cleve ( — Note to students: please include QIC710 in email subject, regardless of the version you’re in)

TAs: Elijah Durso-Sabina (, Lane Gunderman (, Junqiao Lin (

General course information can be found [here]


  • All the posted lectures are [here]
  • The most recent lecture is

  • Course announcements will be posted here.

Assignments (10 weekly assignments, worth 6% each)
Please check the grading policy information [
  • Assignment 1 [pdf] (due September 15)
  • Assignment 2 [pdf] (due September 22)

Supplementary material
  • Exercise questions. During the lectures, I pose questions, some of which are left unanswered, for you to think about. Some of these unanswered questions end up as assignment questions and some do not. For convenience, here is a list of the exercise questions that do not appear in assignments: [pdf will be inserted] (this will be updated with each new lecture).

Projects (worth 40% of grade)

  • Each project is an oral presentation to the class. It should explain and analyze some topic in quantum information processing, selected with the approval of the instructor. Your presentation should be about 25 minutes in length. You should explain the topic in your own words, at a level accessible to your classmates.